Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles- Top Review Today

A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. WattlesClick Image To Visit Site "He lived every page… His life was truly the powerful life." Florence A. Wattles Wallace D. Wattles’ Daughter

Do you believe there’s a power that can cause people or things to be brought to us or cause us to be brought to them?

And I firmly believe we can connect ourselves with this power in such a way as to get everything in life we want – health, wealth, success, happiness, and more!

Hi, my name is Tony Mase and I’d like to share a story with you that, once again in my life, has proven this belief to be absolutely true…

I’ve been a very serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles for several years now. Although he wrote several other books and numerous articles, Wallace D. Wattles is best known for his classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", which has shown generations of readers the way to riches.

During my extensive research into Wallace D. Wattles’ writings, I discovered he wrote a number of other extremely rare books and articles, so rare in fact that practically no one on the planet even knew they existed, and I set out to find them.

After spending several years and thousands of dollars searching for them, I managed to obtain only a handful of these extremely rare books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles.

"If there is a particular man you need to know, he will be introduced to you; if there is a particular book you need to read it will be placed in your hands at the right time." Wallace D. Wattles

My faith never wavered that these books and articles would be brought to me or I would be brought to them when it was time for me to have them.

One Sunday afternoon, after returning home from a weekend away with my son, I received an email from a man I didn’t know with the subject line:

"In the spirit of Mr. Wattles, let’s work together to create something better"

Essentially, the email said, he’d managed to track down and obtain not just some of the Wallace D. Wattles books and articles I was missing…

But *all* of the Wallace D. Wattles books and articles… Read more…

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