Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

The ‘Asleep Fast’ Method- Top Review Today

The 'Asleep Fast' MethodClick Image To Visit Site Attention: insomnia sufferers. If you’re FED UP with looking and feeling like a lifeless zombie from an ’80s horror movie…

You go to bed every night, and it feels as if there’s some MONSTER inside whose only mission in life is to pry your eyelids open and nail your eyeballs to the ceiling.

Your monster friend decides his new mission in life is to time two hours exactly (just enough to tease you a little, not enough to do you any good) and yank you back to your bed of HELL.

That’s when your senses TORTURE you. Every bright light pierces your eyes like an arrow through an apple, and every sound pummels your eardrums like a boxer bludgeoning his opponent.

Maybe your friends mention the bags under your eyes. Maybe they’re honest enough to say you look like UTTER CRAP. Or maybe they’re kind enough to spare you the truth.

"The real joy was later that night, when I put into practice everything I’d learned. All I can say is wow! The techniques really worked! I lost our little bet – you turned a stubborn gal into a believer. It feels good to be wrong! :-)"

Not many people know there’s an insomnia cure not only vastly SUPERIOR to drugs but also so effective by itself that adding drugs doesn’t do DIDDLY-SQUAT.

At the moment, it’s available on the authoritative National Institutes of Health website. It’s all to do with a GAME-CHANGING sleep study first appearing in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the big guns among medical journals.

Cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial and direct comparison

RESULTS: In most measures, CBT was the most sleep effective intervention; it produced the greatest changes in sleep-onset latency and sleep efficiency, yielded the largest number of normal sleepers after treatment, and maintained therapeutic gains at long-term follow-up. The combined treatment provided no advantage over CBT alone, whereas pharmacotherapy produced only moderate improvements during drug administration and returned measures toward baseline after drug use discontinuation.

CBT stands for cognitive behavior therapy. It’s a non-drug form of psychotherapy many psychologists use to treat a whole bunch of conditions.

And… Read more…

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