Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

Figure Competition Secrets- Top Review Today

Figure Competition SecretsClick Image To Visit Site Are you aware that most Contest Prep Programs cause DRAMATIC muscle loss and KILL your metabolism within the first 6 weeks?

That’s because very few Figure Coaches reveal the Real Truth behind Figure Contest Prep. Most athletes go on severe caloric restriction diets topped with cutting carbs, combined with extreme over-training, and in the end, kill their metabolism and lose precious muscle…

Continue it and you’ll tap your thyroid and adrenal glands and you’ll spiral into a vortex of muscle weakness and lack of energy. Final outcome, you lost muscle, gained body fat, and destroyed your metabolism. When this happens you may experience gastrointestinal problems, muscle cramps, gluten intolerance, muscle weakness, bloating, fatigue, foggy memory, salty and sweet cravings, feeing lethargic, etc.

So you see… it’s not your body or your metabolism that’s the problem, it’s the damaging effects on an Improperly Prepared Diet and Exercise Program that leaves you left in the dust.

General copied and cookie cutter programs cause a cascade of damaging results that not only set you up for failure for your Figure Competition, but for a longtime afterwards due to Metabolic Downgrade.

As you can realize, crash dieting, over-training, and 2 hours of cardio a day are NOT the answers to a figure-ready body. To Build a Steady-Ready Body you have to have a Structured Strategy.

If you don’t know how to properly diet, weight train and apply cardio, you’ll just end up EITHER Not competing (backing out) Or competing and looking downright horrible on stage. To add insult to injury, your body will then REBOUND and put the weight back on in the form of body fat, not muscle. But that’s not all. Since it’s weight due to starvation and over-training, that weight will pack on you Very QUICKLY and will bring on 10 more pounds (at the least).

But, you can avoid ALL that confusion, frustration, and misinformation by following these 5 Proven Figure Prep Principles which I reveal below.

Yeah, gurl… It’s your LUCKY DAY! This article is about revealing fat loss road blocks and how you can overcome them with your diet and workouts so you can actually build and transform your body and not destroy your metabolism.

Now… I’m going to tell you these 5 Proven Principles that you need to implement to start losing fat as soon as this week and be stage-ready… Read more…

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