Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Superhero Shredding – Get Shredded Like A Hollywood Superhero- Top Review Today

Superhero Shredding – Get Shredded Like A Hollywood SuperheroClick Image To Visit Site Attention Men: Do You Wish You Had A Body That Looked Like The Elite Hollywood Actors You See In Movies?

And not just because the transformations themselves are impressive but because of their ability to single-handily motivate millions of people all around the world to get off their ass and get in shape.

?Just off the top of my head, here’s a list of celebrities that all got into incredible shape for their movie roles:

I’m guessing that this list of actors alone has motivated tens if not hundreds of millions of guys to want to start working out and eating right.

?But if Hollywood actors have the ability to motivate millions of guys, then why do most guys still have weak, average-looking physiques?

?To answer this question, I decided to go out and "reverse engineer" the workout and diet plans of Hollywood’s top actors to see if there were any common threads.

?I ended up studying the training methods and dieting techniques of over a dozen Hollywood actors ranging from Daniel Craig and Cam Gigandet to Henry Cavill and Jake Gyllenhaal.

You can’t talk about celebrity workouts without mentioning Brad Pitt’s infamous Fight Club physique. Pitt really put the "Hollywood physique" on the map with Fight Club when he leaned down to shredded 5% body fat and inspired millions to go after the lean and muscular look vs. the bodybuilder look.

I like to think of Reynolds’ physique in Blade, as the evolution of the Fight Club body, much more muscular but just as lean. His physique in Blade was what motivated me to begin working out and I believe it to be the "sweet spot" for most guys in terms of leanness and muscularity.

Daniel Craig sported a very lean, muscular, and athletic physique which he needed in order to play 007. To prepare for his role as James Bond, Craig not only had to gain muscle but also had to lean down to the 10% body fat level.

When you break it all down, almost all "amazing" Hollywood body transformations have the follow characteristics:

There’s a dirty truth behind all these "amazing" celebrity body transformations. You see, all these extreme "balls to the walls" programs you read actors doing are NOT designed for long term results.

They are simply designed to help the actor get in shape for their movie role as quickly as possible… Read more…

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